Mailstrom is a shell utility I wrote for sending the output of cronjobs via Amazon SES. It's been sitting quietly in the corner of my Github account for a while, badly in need of a touch of TLC.
I've added SMTP support using the SwiftMailer library, so now Mailstrom has some usefulness beyond the Amazon ecosystem. Mailstrom tries to emulate the UNIX mail
command as closely as possible, so you can use it much the same way - you can pipe the output of scripts, you can interactively use it on the command line, or you can pass a message body as a parameter.
I should note that Mailstrom is not related whatsoever to the "Inbox Zero" mail client of the same name. It's just an unfortunate coincidence (plus, I named mine first. :P)
The next feature I plan on adding is Amazon SNS support, so your servers can have a simple way to text you from the command line. If you have ideas or feedback on Mailstrom, GitHub Issues would be the best place to submit that.
Thanks for checking in, and don't forget to "star" Mailstrom on GitHub!