Welcome to the new Whateverthing.com!
I've repurposed this site to serve as my official Project Portfolio and Technology Blog. My name is Kevin Boyd, I'm a software and web application developer from Victoria, BC, Canada. I've been interested in computers since my early teens (which I spent playing with C64, DOS/Windows 3.1, and BASIC), and now with over ten years of IT and programming experience under my belt, I thought it was time to build a complete portfolio of my projects.
Now that I've got this up and running, I will be adding new content as well as folding in some of my earlier blog posts as "From The Archives" entries. I'm excited to start writing about some of the things I've been up to recently, as well as sharing some tips and tricks I've picked up along the way.
One of the technologies I started playing with this year - Static Site Generation with Sculpin - has struck a chord with me. I like the elegance of single-click deployments, combined with the simplicity of not having to maintain a complex server configuration. Expect a handful of blog posts with examples and snippets of curious Sculpin tips, and maybe even a tutorial or two.
Another technology - Silex, the PHP Microframework - is one that I have been using for a few years now, but I continue to be impressed with its ease of use and the way it accelerates the ramp-up time for new projects. Combined with Composer and Packagist, I can get a prototype Silex application up and running in an hour that would have taken a day or more in the past.
I expect that I'll also touch on other topics of interest, such as unit testing, programming securely in PHP, and maybe some dalliances into other languages (I've got my eye on Python, Node.js/Backbone.js and Go). On top of that, I'm trying a new experiment: Email newsletters. I'll send updates every few months - what's new at whateverthing, new technologies, new endeavours, that sort of thing. If that sounds interesting, please subscribe to the Whateverthing newsletter. :)
Thanks for checking in!